Bens death won’t be as gruesome as everyone’s been predicting
Looking at this still, I feel like this is the execution of Coach Ben.
Nats crying, new girl Robin looks conflicted Tai looks serious but kinda sad, and the 3 hella blood thirsty girls have a look of distain on their faces. That basically feels like how they would each feel about that.
I really thought they would keep Ben alive until the winter but based on the trial, he’s cooked by the next episode. The deaths in the summer tend to be accidental or situational, where as in the winter they are intentional or gruesome.
They aren’t going to eat Coach Ben. It looks like it’s anywhere from late may to august. They have the animals, the plants are still accessible, they can hunt etc so I can’t see them finding a justification for eating him. Especially with Mari saying “we’re not doing that anymore”.
This kill is going to be symbolic. This will be the first kill that wasn’t in the name of survival. It also will be the first kill that was 100% intentional. When Misty killed Kristen it was an accident. Nat and Shauna made the call to not save Javi, but they didn’t push him through the ice. This was a vote they took and the majority CHOSE to kill Coach Ben.
I think a huge part of their “we can’t go back” mentality is going to kick off here. I think we’re going to find out how the fire actually started and they’re all going to feel guilty. The kill was t for survival or even retaliation. They killed a man in cold blood because the cult of Lottie Fucking Mathews took over.
Once they’re in this state of mind, it makes sense that they would start doing the hunt. All sense of morality is gone. They are too far gone. So it doesn’t even matter. They’re already cannibals and they’re already murderers, so why not do the hunt?
The one thing that does give me pause is why is Tai holding the gun? I understand why it’s not Nat, but why not Gen? Maybe it was suppose to be Nat because she’s the leader? But she couldn’t so Tai took over?
So maybe the scene is something else, but based off this still I don’t think Coach Ben’s death is what turns the gore up to a 9.5. I think the hunt and the pit is coming this season.
Looking at this still, I feel like this is the execution of Coach Ben.
Nats crying, new girl Robin looks conflicted Tai looks serious but kinda sad, and the 3 hella blood thirsty girls have a look of distain on their faces. That basically feels like how they would each feel about that.
I really thought they would keep Ben alive until the winter but based on the trial, he’s cooked by the next episode. The deaths in the summer tend to be accidental or situational, where as in the winter they are intentional or gruesome.
They aren’t going to eat Coach Ben. It looks like it’s anywhere from late may to august. They have the animals, the plants are still accessible, they can hunt etc so I can’t see them finding a justification for eating him. Especially with Mari saying “we’re not doing that anymore”.
This kill is going to be symbolic. This will be the first kill that wasn’t in the name of survival. It also will be the first kill that was 100% intentional. When Misty killed Kristen it was an accident. Nat and Shauna made the call to not save Javi, but they didn’t push him through the ice. This was a vote they took and the majority CHOSE to kill Coach Ben.
I think a huge part of their “we can’t go back” mentality is going to kick off here. I think we’re going to find out how the fire actually started and they’re all going to feel guilty. The kill was t for survival or even retaliation. They killed a man in cold blood because the cult of Lottie Fucking Mathews took over.
Once they’re in this state of mind, it makes sense that they would start doing the hunt. All sense of morality is gone. They are too far gone. So it doesn’t even matter. They’re already cannibals and they’re already murderers, so why not do the hunt?
The one thing that does give me pause is why is Tai holding the gun? I understand why it’s not Nat, but why not Gen? Maybe it was suppose to be Nat because she’s the leader? But she couldn’t so Tai took over?
So maybe the scene is something else, but based off this still I don’t think Coach Ben’s death is what turns the gore up to a 9.5. I think the hunt and the pit is coming this season.