Different versions of the arrival of the _____ in episodes 6 and 7

The arrival of Edwin, Hannah, and Kodi is portrayed differently in episodes 6 and 7.

"Thanksgiving (Canada)": Lottie stops screaming, notices Kodi and asks "Ben?". Travis and Akilah notice the hikers. Lottie screams "No!". Edwin raises only his left arm in a greeting and says "Hello." Lottie walks away to her left. There's a break before Edwin notices Coach Ben's head.

"Croak": Travis and Akilah notice the hikers first while Lottie is still laughing after singing. She immediately screams "No!". Edwin raises both hands only halfway as if to appease the girls and says "Hello." Lottie keeps standing with the other girls. There's a break before Edwin notices Coach Ben's head.

And in the "Previously on Yellowjackets" section of "Croak" his "Hello." is even before Lottie's "No!"

What do you think is the reason for this? Different, subjective perspectives on the same event?