Who wants this show to go the supernatural route?
I do not and I really hope it turns out to be shared psychosis predicated by Lottie being schizophrenic and off her meds.
My maternal grandmother was schizophrenic and my mom told me all kinds of stories about her (I never met her as she denied my mother was her child for the last 10 years of her life and she lived in a nursing home).
Schizophrenia is a very serious mental illness and Lottie being in her own delusions and influencing the other girls is far more interesting to me than anything supernatural they could write in.
It seems like Tai's man with no eyes was a delusion from her grandmother dying and perhaps seeing the reflection of the crazy commercial in the mirror.
I just think it's far more interesting to have a show about mental health issues and how easily people are influenced in a trauma event, desperate to look for answers.
Lottie's cult is a prime example of this, as are all cults. People are desperate and looking for a way to explain things in the current world without any huge trauma bonding event.
I hope there is no actual "It" and the show just keeps things explainable with Lottie's psychosis and they're shared psychosis with one another.
I'm curious to see what others think and if they want an "It" a la 'From' or not.