Pit Girls's Attire (I promise, this is not another "Who is Pit Girl?" post)
I know Pit Girl has been discussed to death (no pun intended), and people have commented on her nightgown and who has been seen wearing it; but one thing I've never heard anyone comment on is how odd of a choice it is. (please correct me if I'm wrong - I didn't see anything when I searched the previous posts)
If I were going to be drawing cards to see if I was going to be hunted and eaten, and I planned on running (rather than submitting) I would want to wear something that was more suitable for trying to survive in the wilderness. A nightgown would not be my first choice.
Initially I thought maybe Pit Girl was caught off guard or something, but she's also seen wearing the necklace, which leads me to believe she had to have been part of the draw.
Do you think they create some kind of rule for what the drawing participants are allowed to wear? Maybe the nightgown becomes almost a "uniform" for the hunted? It would be easier to remove a nightgown than any other clothing when they butcher the victim.
Any thoughts?