So has anything from Xenogears ever been directly referenced or came up in anything?
And I mean directly, like by name, or a character from it showing up. I'm still playing Future Redeemed and I know the MC is kinda like Fei, and I'm vaguely aware of the fabled radio broadcast at the end of the game that apparently references everything Xeno. And I know the Conduit from Xenoblade 2, is like a thing from Saga, that's like a thing from Gears.
But like stuff like that aside, has anything from Gears every been in anything else?
Like Kos-mos got to be in Soul Calibur, Project Crosszone, Xenoblade 2, and make an appearance on the Monolith anniversary video, which neither Fei, nor anything Gears as far as I can tell got to be apart of. Which seems petty.
I know Xenogears is owned by Square, but has Square ever done anything like have Fei hanging out in a random Final Fantasy or something.