Ghosts, Samaar and Humanity (Spoilers for XCX and Xenosaga as well)

First of all I am strongly against the belief of XCX being connected to any other Xeno game, just like Xenosaga isn't connected to Xenogears or Xenoblade etc. and I'd rather keep that discussion away from this post. With that said, every Xeno game shares themes, ideas and concepts with each other and many times the knowledge of said past concepts is helpful in understanding the other games.

In the new trailer and the supplementary footage from the JP promo site, we see ghosts returning back from the game's opening, apparently coming out from the big void dome explosion thing that was created, and turning people (or rather their mims) into salt. As many people pointed out, that is extremely similar to what Gnosis from XS did to human beings.

In Xenosaga, Gnosis were a manifestation of people consciousness that refused in some way to be rejoined into the collective unconsciousness, so, in a sense, it was a representation of people that for some reason refused to leave the world through some form of unfinished business or maybe a guilty conscience.

The name Ghost in some way also implies that they are a disembodied soul, or a remainder of a person's will that remained in the physical world in a way (could be literal or simply metaphorical) and they are something that died or remained of something of the past.

All of that got me thinking of something, and something that was probably already theorized in the past, but I find it quite likely that Ghosts are somehow or some way a manifestation of the unresolved consciousness of the Samaarians (again, could be literal or simply metaphorical) and by extension possibly humanity as well. We already know that despite being Humanity's ancestors, the Samaarians don't seem to be the best people, as they created the Ganglion in order to enslave them so it wouldn't be impossible for a remnant of their kind to come cause chaos within the civilizations they bred.

As we know, Mira is an incredibly mysterious planet, that seems to be conceptually connected with death itself as according to the ending it seems to be able to keep humanity alive despite the lifehold's servers being destroyed ("It's something about this planet" etcetc). So the concept of 'Ghosts' mixes really well with the idea of a metaphysically ambiguous world.

The missing link of this is obviously Elma and her partner, the Qlu, and the idea of Dark Matter (Black tar?). Elma and her partner seem to be from an unnamed as of now race (correct me if I'm wrong) and their knowledge about the ghosts seemingly remains a mystery, the Qlu seem to be connected to humanity and/or Elma's race, since in chapter 12 it is mentioned that some of NLA's defensive tech is actually Qlurian technology.

Finally, the Ares skell is powered by Dark Matter, which could be symbolic of what real physicists believe is Dark Matter, something that is part of the theorized reasons for the universe's expansion and eventual Heat Death. Is it related to Ghosts? Could this Dark Matter be the same thing as the Black Tar mentioned in the battle theme's lyrics and also the reason as to how the ghosts are turning people to salt, as it gets you "Marked for death" and steals "the body and breath/Till only a shell is left".

"Mira disappearing, the Ghosts's arrival, even the Ares. The dots all join up, it's connected."

Can't wait for March 20th