Connected or not?

I’m pretty curious about how people would want X to be in relation with the numbered games. Personally I’d like to see X connected to the others, but I think it’s only distantly. It seems to me the only things that exist between the two settings are things that would last nearly forever. I’d like to know (before the DE comes out) is the community wants to see X officially connected to the numbered games or for the potential X series to have it’s own exclusive cannon. I have seen the sentiment that people don’t want X connected due to tone or style differences, but I don’t think that really detracts from the stories each game tells. Each of them are already entirely self contained, with only certain details connecting them through the main setting, rather than the story they’re telling. Even 3 is entirely cohesive without the massive lore dive of 1 and 2. However, I do think if the X series is going to continue, it could and probably should be more continuous, building on the story and actions of the game prior. X has a lot of build up and several unfinished plot points that could be expanded on easily with an X2 if they don’t somehow cover them all in the epilogue chapter in DE

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