Why do I feel op?
Hello, i started my first character this saturday due to the update, and ive been playing at a normal pace, by now I am combat lvl 25. The issue i ecountered is that i feel like things are too weak, im not rushing my quest nor am i grinding, im only doing caves and dungeons once and for fun (most of the time beacuse im nearby), nonetheless everything feels weak, like theres no challenge. For example, im lvl 10, i have a lvl9 quest, i do it, while im done now im lvl 12 then theres a lvl10 quest, and so on, which means im kinda overleveled. Should I change my playstyle somehow or this is just early game things? (I would like a higher level of difficulty and things to be more challenging)
I dont know if it matters but im playing warrior and specing into fallen.