Anybody else expecting a major personal rivalry between Carlotta and Cantarella?

In Carlotta's backstory, she was once poisoned by a Fisalia woman and nearly died from it. I'm suspecting that this woman was Cantarella, before she became head of the Fisalia family. This would make things pretty... awkward if the Rover has to cooperate with Cantarella for some reason.

I'm really hoping this is actually the case. It'd be a lot more interesting if certain playable characters were hostile toward each other, rather than everyone just being friendly to each other (or snarky at worst). And if we were to get a fight between Carlotta and Cantarella that the Rover has to break up, that'd be pretty entertaining. Kuro Games surely has experience with that sort of thing from PGR, so having it in WuWa shouldn't be impossible.

Who else thinks this is likely?