Frost layer deletes grasses and ferns.

I recently came across a problem where frost applying frost would remove ferns and grass while tall grass, tall ferns, and flowers remained. Any ideas why this is happening?

Tundra Biome as seen by combined layer preview.

What actually generates in game.

Using a custom ground cover layer does work, but then I no longer have snow covering my objects.

Results from replacing frost layer with a custom ground cover layer

![img](c6not2vujajb1 "Testing the bug with 1.20 update. ")

EDIT: So I found a way to do it but is it worth it? Probably not. Use a ground cover layer for the snow and then cover all your schematics with snow and re-save them. You'll save the ferns and grasses but loose your sanity. Best way to go about doing this is by pasting all the schematics in a flat world, make a selection encompassing all of them, and use this command to cover them {//replace ">spruce_leaves air" snow}. I wish you fellow grass and fern lovers good luck!