I'm genuinely confused as to why people enjoy steel hunter?

I've watched dozens of guides, tried to play like they do, and nothing, I mean NOTHING, in this game has more RNG than this gamemode. The last 6 games I've played 90% of what I get out of the pick-ups is a repair kit, no heals, no special abilities, nothing but repair kits. Then I get killed by someone with 10 minefields and 15 heals or 11 deathballs and 20 airstrikes.

I spawn in, instantly surrounded by 6 other tanks all competing for the same buffs and somehow I'm always the one they choose to shoot at regardless of what class I'm in or if I run or fight.

I try to follow the advice of people like Chems and "third party" only to have both tanks INSTANTLY switch focus to me and now I'm fighting a 2 v 1 again.

Try to farm XP/damage on the bots? Nope, someone comes out of fucking nowhere and chases you halfway across the map or into a dead end that's impossible to see on the minimap or you hit a tiny rock that's covered by a bush and do a barrel roll.

Try to get into an early fight to farm XP? Nope, you get nuked because all your shells low roll/fail to pen/miss then you respawn right next to somebody 3 levels above you already, and then you're out of the match in 3 minutes.

Literally the ONLY success I've had in this mode is to spawn as close to the edge of the map as possible and avoid every enemy tank and pray that RNG doesn't fuck me again and decide that my half of the map is going to be the first closed so I have to skip all the pickups and constantly run into safe areas, usually right into 4-5 enemy tanks who are all higher level. Even if I get to do this it's still boring as hell because all you're doing is going from circle to circle picking up buffs and hiding. If I wanted to do that I'd go play a stealth game that's actually fun.

Seriously, how is this supposed to be enjoyable? Am I doing something wrong? Am I just cursed by RNJesus to be forever on the loserboard? I see all these posts about how "Steel Hunter is the greatest gamemode ever!!!" "Steel Hunter is WOT at its best!" "I wish Steel Hunter was permanent!!!" and just wonder why?