Things that I noticed about the Gif that caught my attention the most or that there is not enough information...πŸ‘‡

  1. Sack of Coin: It can be 2 things, A New Trait or A New redesign of the greedy trait or the Units Tabs on "Management" (I think it's Management)

  2. Man looking at Sword: New Traits about Someone who likes Swords or A New [Redesign] Traits from Cultures about creating Swords or weapons (I think it's Someone who Likes Swords as a Favorite Weapon)

  3. Meme Face: The Emotional States of Creatures as we saw in the previous Post of Religions and Languages ​​on Steam, simply their emotional states (using famous memes from the Internet, if you add this emoji "πŸ—Ώ" I will be Very Happy)

  4. Land with a Red Flag: Trait of Cultures to be able to claim new territories from the Borders or Create New Cities (I think that's it)

  5. Flame of Fire: Symbol of Religions or the Religion to which this Unit belongs

  6. Flash of Light: I think it is the Tab of All the Religions that exist, it is that or a New Traits (I think it is the first)

  7. Happy Coins: ??? (I have no idea what it is, comment on your theory of what it is)

My opinion on the MIND: I think it is the best way to alter the AI ​​of the Units as you please, literally alter the mind of your units, make them crazy or not, without the power of "Insanity", it is more... IMPROVES A LOT, Before giving madness to a person only made them lose the "nationality" of the Creature and everyone wanted to kill them, BUT they did not lose the Culture (which is the most illogical) I think that we can create madmen as we please and that he regains his sanity by Activating the Neurons, I think this is one of the best Mechanics...