WorldBox, Time Travel, and Free Will

So my understanding of time travel is that we can only ever go back in time and only to the certain times were time machines were created, or to when a certain sort of portalsystem checkpoint was established. This is very similar to how WorldBox’s autosave feature works.

Additionally, it makes sense to me that if you were to go back in time, you would expect every moment to play out exactly as it did the first time if you and your presence were not to interact with anything at all. This deterministic model is displayed in the sci-fi movies.

From my certain point of view, I see the world through a deterministic lens meaning to me, reality is headed one certain and it is the only direction that it would ever possibly go in. Everything is exactly what it was always going to be or else it would already be different, with people, we experience, interpret and express, making our ‘personal’ selves only expressions of our experiences, leaving no room for “free” will, only influenced through our experiences.

But WorldBox AI characters don’t follow this. When I go back in time in Audioslave, they don’t do the same thing they did before every time. It’s always a little different. So on the phone now you could think of worldbox characters as having free will, when even we don’t.

And now a genuine question if someone knows what is the decider for what the AI are about to go and do ?