Follow up post : Repost : Pan-Asian captain build
Repost of a repost, of a repost - you can thank Reddit for being weird on my end.
As before, 1 of the below suggestions (in text) is apparently 23 skill points instead of 21. I made a mistake, so disregard the points and use the photos primarily.
Inertia fuse for HE shells on the pan Asian Jinan.
A lot of shells will non pen (but set fires) so you’re focussing on fire damage, torp AOE / flooding and maybe the odd DD or braided cruiser with AP.
So… thoughts?
25% HE armour pen seems pretty good. I can sacrifice adrenaline and maybe fill the tubes.
My current build (that I’ll be using from tomorrow) is:
Last stand (replacement for fill the tubes and adrenaline rush)
Consumable specialist
Demolition expert
Fill the tubes (can be removed)
Heavy HE and SAP
Adrenaline rush (can be removed)
Survivability expert
Inertia fuse for HE shells