What 8 detatchments do you want to see?

8, of course, because it’s the sacred number of Khorne. The sacred number of Slaneesh is 6, and Emperor’s Children got 6 detachments, so…

This is what I can think of:

1) Berzerker Warband (same as now)

2) Vessels of Wrath (same as now)

3) Blood tithe detachment (where rules are similar to 9:th edition.

4) Daemon detachment (where we can spend up to half the points on Skarbrand, Bloodthirsters, Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers or Fleshounds, and some type of synergy rule for them and the World Eaters).

5) Disciples of the Red Angel (Angron and tons of Eightbound and Exalted Eightbound)

6) Some kind of detatchment where you can take traitor imperials. Maybe up to half the points Astra Militarum? Would give us a lot of shooting!

7) Some daemon engine detatchment.

8) This is me getting a bit ”out there”, but: Some kind of extra crazed detatchment? Maybe it will get movement and melee buffs, but automatically lose models occasionally because they attack each other?