Your top three minor characters and why?
- Alviarin: She made Elaida her bitch. That is all.
- Aludra: Everything about this woman is perfection. She's gorgeous, gutsy, funny, highly intelligent and incredibly driven. Her tirade of insults that we heard in TGH had me fall in love with her instantly. While I did ship her with Mat, I actually LOVE that she doesn't need a relationship to fufil her. . She's a career woman for sure and an ambitious one at that, so yeah. loved her from beginning to end.
- Alivia: She wore the collar for hundreds of years and never believed it. That kind of resilience is rare and for her to endure being shunned for a prophecy she didn't choose to be a part in just adds to her strength. Yes, she's powerful but her INNER strength is what drew me to her.