How has this Blood Moon been affecting you?
It’s interesting because mentally I feel okay comparatively to other full moons. Usually my thoughts are more scattered, and it’s hard for me to accomplish tasks. But for this blood moon, I’ve just surrendered to the universe and keep telling myself “whatever is for me will be” and just focusing on what I need to do to better my surrounding circumstances. Physically, I haven’t had a good nights rest in a few days and (maybe tmi) I got my period yesterday but it’s been spotty as hell . Whenever my periods are like this, there’s usually a day where it all hits at once and I’m in a lot of pain so I’m preparing for that. But idk I wanted to check in with my fellow witches and hear how you guys are doing! Came across some social media “warnings” about the blood moon mixed with the retrogrades, but I don’t think it’s been as scary as people are making it seem. Hope you guys are doing okay, thoughts/checkins?
UPDATE: sooo none of us are getting good sleep, copy. Glad I’m not the only one whose period is synced to the full moon. But something I noticed, a lot of you said you are raging with anger. I am curious to know what’s fueling that rage? As an American, I’m angry with the state of our govt, but that’s unfortunately the new norm, and didn’t correlate my frustrations with our govt/state of the world with the blood moon. Are there other reasons why a lot of you are super angry atm?