"He Gets Us" is getting more aggressive.

I don't know about you goodwitches, but I have had to block multiple accounts to keep this drek from my feed. The audacity is crazy, I'm so annoyed.

For my friends here who are recovering from religious abusive households, I can't even imagine how it feels to be basically followed by this bullshit.

Part of me feels like it's a sneaky campaign by reddit to get me to buy premium so I don't have to see these ads anymore :p

NEW edit!: putting this first because holy cow I didn't know this crap campaign is associated with the pure evil that is Hobby Lobby!! I'm going to work on an annoyance campaign against them-- any suggestions welcome.

ETA (edit to add): please forgive my ADD ping-pong brain and my total inability to keep up with replies, so I'm cheating and answering like this :p

I really hope everyone who has blocked successfully continues to be BS free! I also appreciate the ad blocking suggestions-- unfortunately reddit is my phone scrolling fun, but I've been inspired to look for mobile blocker. Finally, thank you u/emperortharos (wow i totally got that wrong the first time) for saving me from the dredge with a lovely gold 💛

2nd edit: It is truly infuriating how many of you lovelies have been personally traumatized by religion and yet can't even play by the rules (block/report) to escape this hateful shit. Sending you all healing energies.

Also, so many great suggestions and stories, I've been trying to keep up but I'm so slow, so I've added a second edit (sorry!) For those of you on mobile like me and have tried blocking multiple times, a few people have suggested VPN spoofing (apparently this is an American issue, big surprise) or two apps, one called Boost, the other Apollo (mobile version.) I will be testing these and reporting back-- thank you for the ideas!

3: whomever abused the redditcares resource to report me because they disagree with my stance should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.