Round two of my Hundred Hybrid Adoptables: the Mudwing-Dominants! Starting bid $5USD

These are PAID adopts. I accept Venmo and PayPal :3

Minimum bid $5, Minimum increase $2, Maximum bid $20. If you buy these guys, you get 50% off any commissions you purchase of them from me in the future.

Once you own these guys, do whatever you want with them. Change up their design, resell/gift them, use them in ur original works, I don’t care!

Please place your bids in the bidding thread meant for them! If you put your bid in the wrong place, it may go unnoticed, and you won’t be able to tell when someone else outbids you :(

For anyone who read this far, I have a question: do yall prefer auctions for adoptables, or would you rather a static (higher) price? I think id feel guilty outbidding someone else 😭