The switch up of Saxon and Lochlan is fucking genius and white I love this show

Saxon was initially the perfect hateable character. Basically Shane with more douchey frat vibes and misogyny but slightly less entitlement. Based off Piper trying to get Lochlan to sleep in her room instead of Saxon's I thought there was going to be some big reveal about how Saxon is abusive/predatory towards Lochlan.

To clarify I still think it's definitely weird and not okay how Saxon is concerned with the sex lives of his siblings and is trying to get Lochlan laid but it's clear after episode 5 that Lochlan is the predator in this situation. For all his faults I think Saxon isn't really deceptive or dishonest enough to really hurt anyone. The scene where Tim took him outside a few episodes ago to give up his phone really made me see him in a different light. As big of a douche as he is you can tell he really admires and respects his dad and wants to make him proud, and that he's proud to be his son.

But Lochlan gives me the fucking creeps, I think he's a predator and the worst person out of the main cast with the exception of Greg/Gary. He's really a wolf in sheeps clothing. A seemingly nice and passive guy, a perfect foil to his arrogant douche of a big brother. The way he was like "I'm gonna own you big bro" was so fucking gross in light of the fact that he kissed him when Saxon clearly wasn't into it. I'm honestly kind of worried for Saxon as big of an ass as he is I'm scared what Lochlan's gonna try to do to him in the episodes ahead.