Obscure indie song from 15 years ago

I remember it specifically from a Black Butler AMV about the show's character Undertaker. It was a male singer, probably relatively simplistic instrumental?

Here's some of the lyrics (may not be verbatim, might be mixing up verses):

from cradle(candle?) to cradle(??)
as long as we're able
from birthright exclusion
to sex drive illusion
It's easy to see(be?) what the world wants to be(see?)

From cradle to grave(?)
To global elite
The internet hack who dares to be neet
we're set in a book by philip k dick
this(the?) big sleep is calling

I've tried google, I've tried youtube, I don't remember the title or the band, I do remember it was super obscure and the band only had maybe one other song? It's driving me nuts, I need to find this song again.