T-Shirt from the 70s, possible iron-on design

[Edited post with more clear images] - Hey y’all, my mother found an old picture of her and her family in the 70s and there’s some kind of design on her t-shirt that we can’t make out because the picture is so fuzzy. This is the image cleaned as best as she could, can anyone make out what this is?

She thinks it might have been an iron-on design she would have gotten with a bubblegum purchase at a place called Magic Market Convenience Store . We can make out some skinny legs with large feet, maybe a helmet or some kind of hat? It looks similar to a leprechaun or maybe a keebler elf but she doubts she would have had either of those on her shirt.

Another possibility is it’s a bearded face wearing a hat or possible a cat with its paws against the sides if its face wearing a hat with a flower on it. Thanks!