Welly allergy (Wellergy?) deep dive
Hiya team
throwaway account because reasons :)
Hubby (from way down south, moved here about 9mo ago) suddenly got the maddest allergies mid Nov. So trying to figure out what could be causing it. Seems very much pollen (airborne) type
anyone done a real deep dive on allergies here? does anyone have any intel (or know where we could find intel) on...
1... what type of allergens are most common round here?
2... what type of allergens are particularly strong this year?
3... who might have this sort of info? metservice do daily pollen forecasts but they're general ("high") not specific ("ryegrass"). docs don't seem to know much
EDIT: sorry should've been clearer - looking for info to the level of what *type* of (for ex) grass is around, and just as important, hubby would love to see a longer term forecast than same-day (maybe we missed it??)