Am I working out too much?

I (28F 5 foot 4 147lbs) go to the gym every day and workout from an hour and a half to two hours. When I arrive, I do around 15 minutes of rope pulling exercises with one to two minute breaks in between sets. Then, I do five sets of 30reps tricep pushes, then I do the same with bicep curls. I'll usually finish off with a seated row machine doing the same amount, and then I'll get on the treadmill and do at least three miles on the max incline- usually this takes an hour(ish).

This has been getting me great weight loss results so far after two months, but I was doing research on strength training just now and saw a bunch of articles saying that every day might be over training.

Am I overtraining? Should I stop working out so much? My body feels fine, honestly I feel the best I have felt in a decade. But if my regimen is going to cause my progress to stagnate I'd like to tweak it a bit.

Thanks in advance!