How should I post my first three chapters?
I've been googling a lot and have found a lot of mixed recommendations. I heard uploading all three chapters at once (as in all three in one day the minute you create your series) is beneficial because I've been told Webtoon canvas recommends it to people and it gives the reader the notification to subscribe. Is this true?
However, I also heard that only originals do this and that it's instead better to post the first three chapters weekly.
I have four chapters fully drawn out plus cover art. Each chapter's 18-26 pages long, and the cover art showcases all the main characters. Would posting the cover art and then first two chapters be an okay idea? The cover art is also my thumbnails so idk.
I was wondering what other Webtoon canvas creators did with their first three chapters (and cover art maybe). I don't want to make the wrong decisions.