My crush is my bully

I’m excited to announce that I’ve finally posted the sixth chapter of My Crush is My Bully. It’s been a while since I updated this chapter, with the last update being in 2024. Now, it’s 2025, and I’m genuinely proud of myself for pushing through the writer's block I’ve been dealing with. My main challenge was overplanning—trying to control the story when I should have let it unfold naturally. I realized that trying to plan everything in advance can be like playing God, and that’s not my role. But I’m happy to say that I was able to continue the story without forcing it, and I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out so far.

If anyone would like to check it out, my username on Wattpad is @storylordd. I’m really excited to hear feedback from readers and hope they enjoy the new chapter as much as I do!

I’m excited to announce that I’ve finally posted the sixth chapter of My Crush is My Bully. It’s been a while since I updated this chapter, with the last update being in 2024. Now, it’s 2025, and I’m genuinely proud of myself for pushing through the writer's block I’ve been dealing with. My main challenge was overplanning—trying to control the story when I should have let it unfold naturally. I realized that trying to plan everything in advance can be like playing God, and that’s not my role. But I’m happy to say that I was able to continue the story without forcing it, and I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out so far.

If anyone would like to check it out, my username on Wattpad is @storylordd. I’m really excited to hear feedback from readers and hope they enjoy the new chapter as much as I do!