How does one find success on war thunder YouTube with out copying larger creators?
You’ve guys have probably seen this guys content before and no offense to him but it’s very similar to spookstons. I’m not saying I haven’t tried to replicate stuff that other YouTubers make but it seems like in his case he found massive success from making spookston like videos. He went from 3.3k subs to 8k in just 2 weeks. My most successful video had 12.9k views but it was a meme experience video that you’ve probably seen a million times. It just seems impossible to make it on WT YouTube without copying people.
You’ve guys have probably seen this guys content before and no offense to him but it’s very similar to spookstons. I’m not saying I haven’t tried to replicate stuff that other YouTubers make but it seems like in his case he found massive success from making spookston like videos. He went from 3.3k subs to 8k in just 2 weeks. My most successful video had 12.9k views but it was a meme experience video that you’ve probably seen a million times. It just seems impossible to make it on WT YouTube without copying people.