In defence of bristlefrost and BristleXRoot
Let’s start!
Bristlefrost: she’s literally my favorite character. She’s so brave and she risked her life to spy on the imposter. A lot of people are saying she’s just a “camera” or “she has no character”! How? Just because she’s in a relationship with rootspring doesn’t mean she has no character anymore. In DW she went on a journey to bring back the sisters, and she convinced squirrelflight to not save ashfur. She is still the same brave and strong and confident character that we’ve seen in the first 3 books! I understand why some people don’t like her chapters in TPONS. Think of it like this. If u were bristlefrost and the cat u loved was stuck in literal cat hell, could u think of anything either than rescuing him or worrying about him?! I understand that most of her chapters were connected to rootspring but let’s talk about the risks she took. She jumped into the moonpool even though she didn’t know how to swim! She dreamed herself to the dark forest even though she knew the risks. And at the end of the book she went to the dark forest AGAIN! She was so brave. I honestly loved her chapters and she’s a very caring and loving character. I don’t understand why u guys keep hating on her and it’s just sad when I see things like “she’s just a camera” or “she has no character” or “she should die” or “she’s rootspring a shadow”. Just stop- how dare u suggest that she should die! I respect your opinions if u don’t like bristlefrost but this is going too far.
BristleXRoot: I understand that some people might not like this ship, but I love it. It’s my favorite ship. They are not toxic and they don’t argue with eachother. They are a healthy couple and they built their relationship slowly. I’m going to answer some comments ive seen. 1. “It’s forced and one sided”. No it’s not forced or one sided. It was one sided in the first 2-3 books but now it’s really not. They both love eachother and we can clearly see that in DW and TPONS. Also just because they took their time doesn’t make it “forced”. From what I’ve seen two cats fall in love become secret mates and suddenly the she cat is expecting kits. Well it’s not like that for bristle and root.They are taking their time and I respect that. Next comment: Bristlefrost liked him out of nowhere. Ok I understand why some people would think that but in the silent thaw she is mentioned to be gazing fondly at him and there are a few hints that bristlefrost liked him. Last comment: bristlefrost is way older than him. No lol she is like 5 moons older than him maximum and they were both apprentices together at a point in time and I don’t see how that is “way older than him”. I think overall it’s a healthy ship and I love it. I hope they get together in The last book of the arc. Then again I respect your opinions but I hope that I’ve convinced some of you to respect bristlefrost or even BristleXRoot. My next post will be about bramblestar and squirrelflight’s relationship.
Feel free to comment your opinions and thoughts on this down below😁💕