Random acts of kindness in the 40k community

So, I'll keep this fairly short. I wish I had the eloquence of several reddit stories I read, but sadly this chunk of text is what you get.

I've always wanted to get in to 40k, but never really knew where to start out. So, for Christmas my husband bought me a Drukhari set to paint and I also bought some books to read. A little after Christmas, I went in to a local game store to look for some more sets and a codex or two. They didn't have what I wanted, and said they would order what I was looking for if they could, and give me a call when it was in.

Flash forward 2ish weeks, and my Drukhari codex, Tyranid codex (as a gift to my husband), and Incubus set were in! Sadly, some money issues have hit recently. I'm a freelance artist, and work slowed down, etc. (You all know how it is these last few years). So I just now was able to go in, and I could only purchase one of the books and was then told the store would hold on to my other two items for me to pay for later, as I still wanted them.

I've only been home for around an hour or so, when I get a call from the game store. I thought they were going to tell me something along the lines of "Oh well this person saw the items and had the money, so we'll order a second set for you." And I was fine with that. Lo and behold, I'm told this customer asked about the items that were bundled with my name on them, and they were told that I was just waiting to have the money for them. This super kind stranger then goes ahead and PAYS for my last 2 items, on the condition I just enjoy them and so he can help further spread the community. I got so teared up hearing that on the phone.

If you just purchased 2 items in the Myrtle Beach area at a game store for some random stranger, and you're reading this, just know that I appreciate this random act of kindness more than you could ever know. With the last few weeks we've had in my family/household, this really renewed my hope in random acts of kindness, and I plan on paying it forward as soon as my financial situation stabilizes again.

TL;DR a stranger paid for the 40k items I couldn't afford just to be kind, and renewed my hope in humanity.