Dice management.

First game I played. Had fun. It was a bit overwhelming though. Guy on the other side was great though. It was a learn2play40k at the lgs. Since then I've been watching lots of videos 40in40 etc. Trying to pick up the stuff you learn over time. But there's one thing I was wondering if there was a better way of doing. Dice rolls. Seemed like I was always scrambling to find x# of dice for this roll, counting them out like a scrub gathering them back up rinse and repeat. Towards the end of the game on the other guy's turn, I started making rows of 5 and that seemed to help.

So my question for you guys, is what do you do? All the videos I'm watching seem to cut out some of the more mundane goings on with the games. So I haven't really picked anything up from them. And maybe this is just something you get used to. But I'd like to get to the point where I'm less annoying to play against due to being new.