Treating the operator like a child
This post and KIM message have reminded me of a gripe I've had: wouldn't it be patronizing to start treating the operator like a child? Now people love to point to the war within's "don't treat me like a child" to Teshin, but it's exactly that hypocritical and patronizing. You can't pick and choose when to suddenly leave them in the dark about certain things because "you were just a child," like how Lotus tries to do at the end of the questline, because you believe they're a child but still send them on covert operations that they pull off effortlessly, or being able to help Umbra with his trauma. We helped the Holdfasts; hell, we even helped Stalker with Jade time and again. The operator has shown off a maturity and compassion, understanding that not even those adults show or understand. I don't know, maybe I'm just looking at it from the standpoint that I know what the operator went through, while Hex doesn't. It just feels infantilizing because the operator has it more put together than most supposed "adults" around them. Hell, the war within the sacrifice, the new war, and the Zariman Angels have been about them accepting their grief and trauma while moving past it and using it to better understand others and combat Wally.
This post and KIM message have reminded me of a gripe I've had: wouldn't it be patronizing to start treating the operator like a child? Now people love to point to the war within's "don't treat me like a child" to Teshin, but it's exactly that hypocritical and patronizing. You can't pick and choose when to suddenly leave them in the dark about certain things because "you were just a child," like how Lotus tries to do at the end of the questline, because you believe they're a child but still send them on covert operations that they pull off effortlessly, or being able to help Umbra with his trauma. We helped the Holdfasts; hell, we even helped Stalker with Jade time and again. The operator has shown off a maturity and compassion, understanding that not even those adults show or understand. I don't know, maybe I'm just looking at it from the standpoint that I know what the operator went through, while Hex doesn't. It just feels infantilizing because the operator has it more put together than most supposed "adults" around them. Hell, the war within the sacrifice, the new war, and the Zariman Angels have been about them accepting their grief and trauma while moving past it and using it to better understand others and combat Wally.