You can check which Duviri Frame/Weapon rolls you have BEFORE you enter.
This may be common knowledge to a lot of you already but, more recently, I have joined public Steel Path Circuit runs and have been forced to leave after the first round because someone claims to have bad frame and/or weapon choices. So this is just a friendly post to remind people that they can check to see which Warframes and Weapons are on offer to them before they enter Duviri and perhaps not force your teammates with decent rolls to quit after the first round. The Circuit doesn't populate your spot with another player if you choose to leave and the rest choose to stay.
To do this, open up your Navigation console and click on the Duviri box under your "Alerts" row.
Now you're in the Duviri options screen, where you can select which mission type you wish to do. From here, simply hover your cursor over the left and right boxes under the Spiral type, and it will show you which Warframes and Weapons you can select once you enter Duviri.
I know playtime is limited for a lot of players due to real world commitments, but, if I get bad rolls and I'm limited for playtime then I enter SOLO, do the first round and then leave. This will randomise your Warframe and Weapon rolls for the following entry. And like I've shown, you can check before you re-enter to see which new Frames and Weapons you have for selection.
Happy fighting, Tenno.
*EDIT: I forgot this feature was only available if you have Rank 4 Opportunity unlocked. For those who don't have this unlocked, like another user mentioned, you can simply enter, see which rolls you have and, if they aren't desirable, simply leave and let another player take your spot. This can be done before players enter the portal into The Circuit/Duviri.