Advice For Dreamers/Baby Tenno/Tenno That No One Asked For From A LR4 You've Likely Never Heard Of

Hello Dreamers, Baby Tenno, And Tenno far and wide.

I've seen a large increase in videos on YouTube of "Trying Warframe for the first time" or posts mentioning they're blueberries or Guardians seeking shelter from Destiny 2.

I thought I'd share some lessons learned / advice broken down by act so it can easily be followed.

PLEASE NOTE: I will do my best to avoid spoilers but as LegendaryDrops once said (paraphrasing) "Sometimes it feels like you guys spoil things without even intending to. You're so into the game you don't even realize you're giving things away" so. Scroll at your own spoiler risk.

The answer to any and every question you may have can be found in the wiki ( and I'm sure other vets in our community will share their knowledge.

If you take nothing else away from this post take these truths.

  1. Have fun, it's why you're playing this game.
  2. We All Lift Together
  3. We Were All Dreamers Once. Ask Questions without Shame.
  4. You will hate "Ballas" don't worry who he is or why, you'll understand in time.

Act One (Vor's Prize, Saya's Vigil, Vox Solaris, Once Awake, Heart of Deimos, The Archwing)

  • Platinum, one of the the premium currencies is not NEEDED but is nice to have. Earn it from trading or from your real life grinds or both. DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE FOR PLATINUM you will through login bonuses earn discounts and bonuses. Spend your money if you're going to at those points.
  • Nightwave (The battle pass) is free and has many rewards you'll be needing. If you have excess tickets from it good things to keep in stock include Nitain Extract and both kinds of reactors.
  • Take care before you sell weapons or warframes for credits once they're maxed. Some blueprints require weapons to craft, and some features will use warframes. Once you have the "prime of a Warframe" it is still not a good idea to sell the standard version you will learn why later.
  • Visit the Market, buy every single blueprint you possibly can for credits. Every weapon, every frame, every companion, everything and anything.
  • Join a Clan, clans in this game perform research for blueprints that will help you increase Mastery Rank, which make grinding standing much easier. While the standard Mastery cap is 16 (No blueprints or weapons require more than this) you get more goodies and standing caps at higher levels. If you reach MR30 you'll even be able to bless other Tenno (more on that soon)
  • Trade at Maroos Bazaar with extreme caution, there are plenty of scammers and swindlers. Consider instead using, as it's player driven and transparent in price trends.
  • If you're going AFK, whether it's to potty, to get a beverage, or just cause you gotta walk the dog, then check the mail. Go to a relay, head to earth, pick the relay there and the most busy channel you can. Then just idle there. When you return you may have a free blessing that improves some aspects. The longer you AFK the more likely you are to gain more bonuses.
  • Always Be Crafting. Something, be it a forma blueprint, a frame component or a weapon part. Time and slots are your biggest commodities in Warframe and you'll always want to be crafting something especially early on. You'll get resources as you complete the quests and star chart, and you'll use them to build things.
  • You can craft more than one item at a time (but only one of that thing) and can leave them on the bench until you have space.
  • Open World environments (Plains of Eidolon, Deimos, and Orb Vallis) are a long term goal, and source of resources, Mining, Fishing, and Animal conservation all take place here, make sure you pick up the awesome mining laser from Fortuna, and the tranq rifle/fishing spears from each location. If your first frame of choice was Volt, grats, any spear you use will work for any fish provided it's meant for that environment (Standard spears for Plains, Infested spears for Deimos, and electric spears in Vallis) try to pick away at the reputation for these areas passively. Slowly but surely they'll get maxed through bounties and quests provided you also take part in the mining, conservation, or fishing.
  • You can fast travel around open world areas by clicking the fast travel points
  • Every Frame is Viable in end game. Yes. Every. Frame try them all, try all their abilities and see which one you enjoy playing. Personally I've been an Ivara, Revenant, Saryn, Baruuk, and Kullervo enjoyer, so you'll find your frame of choice.
  • Weapons can also be made end game viable in some manner. (Even the Stug, though that may be more as a set mod holster) So find the weapons that speak most to you.
  • Mods get expensive the more they're leveled keep them at 5 till you get a full set and have extra Endo, then try leveling them to 8, then finally to 10. Focus on ones that you use across multiple weapons first or feel free to ask your clan if the mod you wanna level is used in a variety of builds. You'll find more use for mods that increase damage, status chance, critical chance, critical damage, attack speed, and status damage over others. So consider raising those first.
  • Choose a syndicate early and leverage the rep owned to get more blueprints, mods, and resources. Which faction does not really matter outside of Lore Or story (RED VEIL BEST VEIL) you'll at some point want to max out the ranks with all of them to get their weapons and augments.
  • Work towards the Archwing Launcher as soon as you can. It makes travelling open world areas a whole world easier.
  • Relics are a good way to earn prime parts for specific frames, weapons, companions, and even forma. None of them are a waste to earn, and if you get duplicates you can use them to trade to Baro (more on him in a minute) or with players for plat. Always. Crack. Relics. In. Groups. Unless you're farming alone and don't care what you get out of it cause you're not chasing anything in that relic, go with a group, to choose your prize. I would argue even if you do have everything it's still better in a group because you get to choose and earn aya (yes even if you all get forma blueprints)
  • Baro Ki'Teer visits every 2 weeks he'll send you a message alerting you he's arrived (his symbol also shows which relay he's approaching) his stock rotates, prioritize primed mods, then weapons, then fashion. You receive his currency from selling the prime parts you earn for ducats. 15 ducats for bronze rewards, 45 for silver, and 100 for gold is the general rule of thumb. The only mod you should "hesitate" to purchase, are the ones that increase damage to infested they're very squishy already and lose little threat. Additionally if you play rhino, your "Roar" applies the same style of damage buff, so you can avoid needing to purchase and swap these mods around if you enjoy using roar the faction specific mods only become critical if you chase the absolutely most difficult content (level cap, where enemies are level 9999, very few in the community participate in this activity so set your expectations and demand accordingly)
  • An unspoken etiquette in Relic runs is that if you all get the same prize, each person picks a single prize so all party members get a +5 void trace bonus you don't HAVE to do this, but if it's all the same why not?
  • DO. NOT. LET. ANY. FUCKING. PERSON. MYSELF. INCLUDED. TELL. YOU. YOUR. BUILD. OR. ABILITY. IS. TRASH. IN. A. PUBLIC. LOBBY. I don't care if you're a Slowing Nova a zippy nova, a max range, Duration, and Strength Sevagoth, or a max range wisp. It is YOUR BUILD. YOUR GAME. You deserve to enjoy it too. You can choose to be considerate and make changes for specific activities such as defense, but don't let someone who joined a public random lobby bully you into changing how you're having fun.

Act Two (Natah, The Second Dream, Rising Tide, The War Within, Chains of Harrow, Apostasy Prologue, The Sacrifice)

  • Work towards your necramech as soon as possible, but as steadily as you can stand. You're going to need it later.
  • Railjack however is worth investing in your dojo will provide parts that are "good enough" for literally any and all content the mods will drop like candy so improving it just takes enjoying it.
  • Don't focus too hard on boosting the performance of your Necramech, it's absolutely worth it in the long run but everything is do keep that in mind.
  • Focus Schools all focus on a different aspect of the game. Madurai - DPS, Zenurik - Energy Regen, Naramon - Melee, Unairu - Armor, Vazarin - Support. You will want to level them all eventually. First focus on the "way bound" aspects so that you can boost your performance when not focusing on that school.
  • A good way to use lenses you earn is to split them into "Categories" you choose one for your standard focus, but your Warframe, primary, secondary, and Melee can all have lenses. I'd recommend giving all your melee the same lens. then all your secondaries a different lense. Different lens for frames, then for primaries. This will make it so you level all schools relatively evenly, and also makes it super easy to remember where a lense can go. If all your melee get Naramon then when you get a narmon lense you know where to slot it.
  • The quills are a challenge to level but you only need to have a 1/1/1 amp to see improvement from the base amp. Good ones to chase are 1/4/7, 5/4/7, and 7/4/7 if you're more interested in hunting eidolons and prefer the primary fire of your amp, over the alt fire you can swap the 4 to a 7 in each of those without much harm. (4 is a ricocheting blade, and 7 is a big slow boom)
  • You can carry something in your warframes hands, swap to spoiler mode, and carry something in your hands that way too. This allows you to deposit 2 cells per visit to extractors, or anytime you have to carry an item.
  • Arcanes are worth chasing but not all in equal measure. You'll want to focus on the ones that you'll actively use in spoiler mode, and improve your damage on amps/weapons/frames

Act Three (Prelude to War, The New War)

  • The bow "Nataruk" cannot be missed, and is one of the best bows in the game. If you enjoy bows, be prepared for this to be the bow you compare every other bow moving forward to
  • Kahl is a good source of blueprints, grind him out once a week even if you really don't enjoy his content. Once you have all the items you no longer need to worry about Kahl, but consider visiting. For brothers.
  • If you haven't touched Duviri before now, consider doing so, the circuit makes earning warframes easy, and by now you've likely amassed a few warframes and weapons so the rogue like nature of the circuit may not be as punishing the intronsics earned here translate to the normal star chart so it's worth enjoying it
  • Zariman and by extension Incarnon weapons are some of if not the strongest weapons in the game. Prioritize the Laetum, Phenmoor, and the Felarx, the other weapons are great as are the Incarnon Adapters, but you'll earn those in Steel Path (NG+)
  • The Amp Arcanes here are some of the most popular in end game

Act Four (Whispers in the Walls, Lotus Eaters, 1999)

  • Elite Deep Archimedia is an endgame activity similar to the circuit unlocked at T5 of the Cavia. Choose from 3 frames, 3 primaries, 3 secondaries, and 3 melees. Then choose modifiers. Once your choices are made lock them in, go with a group and do your best to survive, manage to do so and many valuable awards are yours. Try to complete it weekly along with Netracells.
  • 1999 being the current endgame has vast troves of goodies. The wiki will be your Bible here offering more advice than I can.

General Advice/Tips That Isn't/Aren't Story Bound

  • The game is a marathon not a sprint. Do what you enjoy, if you need a frame and hate the way you earn it, farm content you do enjoy for plat to buy the thing you want and not do the thing you hate.
  • If you're playing a zippy frame and volt makes you too fast to control, roll backwards, it'll remove the buff.
  • Rolling towards an eximus when they attack (Mostly blast and fire) will avoid the knockdown that comes from their attack
  • If you're using Xoris, and TennoKai, use Disciplines Merit. When you proc TennoKai, swap to your secondary with the Xoris equipped. Doing so will allow you to use TennoKai every single throw.
  • Changing the UI scale will allow you to get more space when selecting frames, or weapons.
  • You can make the Thermal Vent activity on Fortuna a cake walk using the Amesha Archwings second ability, and floating above where enemies will shoot you down.
  • Pets can be used to proc Archon Stretch for energy Regen, if you're using stretch, and not overly abundant in energy, consider it as a source.
  • Extractors can be earned/purchased and how many you can use depends on mastery rank/founder status/prime bundle purchase. They're worth it if only as a passive material source. I personally send mine to Jupiter, Ceres, Eris, and Zariman.

I can't recall more advice now but I'll add to this if I think about it. Or others can chime in.

Thank you if you read this far, and if you need help, just ask. I'm always up to help