Faction mods needs a rewamp
Surely they are powerful, but limits the builds. Not to mention, we only have 5 types of faction mods grineer, corpus, infested, orokin and murmur. But we have sentient, narmer, and now scaldra and techrot as well unaccounted for.
The simplest solution is to add faction mod for each, but that just adds to the complexity, having to change a single mod for 8 different factions.
I think the best approach is to group them up,
Grineer Corpus and Infeted in one group, the original factions of star chart
Corrtupted, Sentient and Narmer in second group, related to the orokin
Murmur, Scaldra and Techrot, connections with the indifference and albrecht
while it still limits build options, its less limit that right now.