Cyte-09 needs some work

First of all I would like to preface this by saying I have no problems with cyte-09 apart from his invis and despite my issues with him he has quickly become one of my favourite frames.

His invis is a base duration of 10 seconds AND a cooldown of 60 seconds and while he gets extra duration on weak point kills (2 seconds at base) that extra ability duration is only sustainable with his exalted sniper or some God like aim and heavily restricts your playstyle and what weapons you can feasibly use which is disappointing because he's a great weapon platform

Now my main issue with him is his cooldown itself, of he runs out of duration too soon (extremely likely) or u have to fight violence you are dead, he has no way to survive outside of his invis (and rolling guard doesn't help because his cooldown could be 20 seconds+), he has no way to reliably shield gate, doesn't have enough shields to shield tank or enough armour to armour tank and has no cc

Some ways to fix this would be a bandaid augment that makes his invis like ash's 2, removal of the cooldown completely or a massive reduction in the cooldown, reduce the cooldown and make the amount of duration gained per weak point kill muchlarger (like 8 seconds) or make it so you get a shield (~400 shield), shield regen (~5 sh/s) and damage reduction (~40-50%) boost for the rest of your invis cooldown +5 seconds (my preferred route)

Apart from his very bad survivability the rest of his kit is great with solid damage and solid kpm so please Pablo Escobar work your magic on his survivability