Your favorite weapon that isn’t actually very good/meta
Hey guys, title says it. I’ve never really reached the level cap content, but always just really enjoyed casually working towards whatever excites me. As a hard casual, I think that’s my biggest piece of advice to my friends that get into Warframe - just keep finding things you think look badass and get to it in whatever way makes you feel the coolest lol.
Anyway, I feel like I never see most of my favorite weapons mentioned in any of the ‘best weapons’ videos or whatever, and I’m curious to know what weapons you all have that fall into this catagory. Either because it just looks cool, feels cool to use, or fits some trope that you like.
Mine are the Tiberon (I’m just returning to the game after years before it had a prime), the Redeemer, and the Zakti.
What about you?!