My two friends have stigmas surrounding buying prime sets does the community also feel this way

So, just a lil context. I'm like 150 hours in this game. Both my friends are probably around over 1000 or more hours played..

I'm at MR 12.

So, my first friend. He says you should grind your way to prime frames.. Even if those relics are vaulted. Do bounties and obtain aya then buy relics and start cracking in hopes you get what you want.. He absolutely hates it when people buy sets from the market or from the 3rd party app. He feels it's pay to win.. Lol. Don't ask me why.. Honestly I believe it's a lil jealousy if you asked me what I thought was his deal was.. But, I just ignore him when he says stupid stuff..

Second friend, says to me never buy platinum, and farm until you get what you wanted. He also swears by prime junk runs to sell things. But honestly, I just don't see a very good ratio of time spent to aquire plat to put it up for sale and wait for hours to see if someone is interested..

So, I've been doing the complete opposite. See I love this game and I wanted to get my hands on primes immediately. Call it a obsession. So I went on to the market and started seeing what people were offering.. But not without first taking a good measurement of pricing and such. Seems to me, the in-game market offers primes about 20-45% of the normal range. Depends on seller. The 3rd party app is significantly cheaper by far..

So, I only took offers on things that had similar or exact pricing before I committed on buying..

In total I picked up like 500 plat worth of primes. Frames I want to use and get familiar with. And boy did I ever get reemed out. I told them it's my money, my time. Just let me enjoy my time with it. One of my friends was saying I've been grinding months to get her. And your just paying someone for it. Ridiculous he implied.

My other friend, just said enjoy your pay to win frame buddy..

I'm just like okay, what's so pay to win about using the market like intended..

I just sense jealousy about it all. And frankly could care less. I'm here to enjoy the game. I still have to gather resources for the blueprints.. So I don't know. Is this how most players feel? What gives? Did I really offend them..

Edit - Damn Tenno's. I appreciate the replies! But It's going so fast. Lol. Imma probably just stop playing with them and just do my starchart and play solo for awhile. They seem pretty elitist and toxic when I think about it.. Thanks guys! And Of course I'll still support DE since it's an amazing game!

Edit v2 - Thanks for everyone's thoughts and replies! I've read them all. Phew! Lol. I can see both sides of the sentiments regarding the topic. And, just know I love the grind guys, I love supporting devs that care about their product. Think Warframe is very special and has a very tightly knitted community as well!

If you wanna play with me sometime shoot me a dm. I could use some more chill tennos! I more than likely will not be playing these guys again, just done with the constant whining from them honestly..