New player 140 hours in opinion

Just started the game 140 hours ago, and i have to say, this game is mindblowing.

I have to say, i HATE almost everything in it:

  • i hate the settings
  • characters looks really bad imo
  • weapons looks AWFUL
  • etc.

Still, the game itself is amagzing!!!

Only 3 games was in my life which stole my time (WoW, LoL, and EFT), and Warframe is the 4th.

In these days games are god damn boring, and full of s*it. Most of the time the "honeymoon" is like the first 10-20 hours, but after that the game gets boring, and can't even finish them. And YES, Elden Ring is one of them, even though everyone praises it.

Warframe is a diffrend beast:

  • the shooting is top tier
  • the loot is amazing
  • the craft system is top nutch
  • the story missions are on another lvl....if you think, that Souls games have deep, and complex story, then play Warframe. Have you even finished "The Second Dream", "The War Within", the "Octavia's Anthem", or "The Durivi Paradox"??? (it was poetic questions for the players)

Back to the "honeymoon":

Warframe's biggest strength, and biggest weakness is the honeymoon, and i explain it why:

I started to play 2 years ago, but the game was so complex, and so deep, and it didn't explain almost anything, that i deleted the whole game, and moved on.

My friend played a bit with the game (1.3k hours), and recommended it to me 1 month ago, after so many disappointments. Basicly i played the game and asked everything from him on discord in the first 50 hours (still asking many things). I get hooked really hard after 50-70 hours of gameplay.

The "honeymoon" experience in this game is exactly the opposite than in the other games. In 90% of the games the honeymoon is like the first 10-20 hours (dephends if its single or multiplayer), and after that it gets boring. In Warframe, the honeymoon started (to me) at 40-60 hours, and still growing and growing...The more i know about the mechanics of the game, the more i get addicted...and we have arrived at the biggest problem of the game.

THIS GAME IS AMAZING, but most of the ppl will not realised it ever, because it starting so slow, and give little at the start, that people don't have time to get hooked.

Anyway, im happy that im found it, and i won't leave it for a while, but in the same time im sad, bc so many ppl will miss this gem bc of the slow progress system...

(btw, WTF all the OP Warframes are female...guess most of the devs are female)

Happy hunting for everyone.