What Warframe(s) never worked for you?
This isn’t about frames that still have a niche use somewhere or whose meta merits outweigh your personal disinterest with the frame. I mean you’re still using the frame.
This question is more of a general, widespread disinterest or lack of connection. Regarding all the content, all the niche cases, all the time invested; what frame(s) never clicked with you? You’ve tried, you’ve experimented, you’ve researched and read up builds. You made a general effort to like them and at least have fun playing them, but you couldn’t. Who is it for you?
For me, it’s Equinox. I know for years she held a place as one of the top tier nukers and affinity farmer, but even back then I was uninterested. I tried the meta build, I tried affinity farming, I tried nuking, I tried using her in a more relaxed fashion; nothing. For whatever reason she just did not resonate with me.