Can I put a complaint for a manager?
I just had about enough. So I know he will probably remain the same. So I want to stick up for myself at least even to complain to this manager.
Here is an example and fill me in if it's not worth complaining to another higher up. Or if it's ok to do it at least so he knows I'm not gonna take it any time he wants to be passive aggressive to me. So:
One time I was doing OPD. Waiting for stagers to throw us orders. This manager (I'll call him by a fictional name, BOB). So Bob comes out and sees me. He like "what's up? " With a mean face. What are you doing? He was looking me down like I'm stupid at this point. No you don't do this you go inside and do carts. As a manager I thought he handled it immaturely. He could have just said, "can you please go help make carts?" Or something. I'm a grown adult I don't need to be looked down like a kid. It was a slow day carts were done and quality checks were done. And I work and been told by other employees that I kick butt. And I'm not mad of working it's just the fact that he made me feel like a dumb and as a manager in my opinion he is not professional . He does get away with being passive aggressive.
Another time was couple days ago. I was working pallets. Binning, viz-picking and tethering. He comes out and tell me what's up? How are things going? I'm like it's good. He's like well you know what I need these pallets gone. I need you to work freight. I'm like okay well other associates usually bin overstock, tether and vizpick if there's anything in the way. Then work freight (half and half). I had to drop what I was doing. And go over the pallet that was mostly overstock. Since I wasn't doing half (binning and throwing out freight) I ended up not organizing the cooler because I was going through the freight. And making sure some of it didn't need to go out. Before leaving I was about to clean. Bob is like I need these pallets binned. Nothing needs to be in here. I said what the fuck? in my head. I said I have to clean up . Again he just made me feel stupid. And he didn't tell other associates anything I feel he likes to pick on me.
Today he came up to me to tell me an L cart was left when my other associate was out on lunch. I told him I don't know anything. That's this associates work area. He told me it can't be left there. And later came back to tell me. I got a problem. None of that stuff on the L cart was vizpicked. It's going to throw off our numbers and inventory. I told him I don't know? (Why is he complaining to me? Go to her. Shit head). I didnt tell him that. But I told him he needs to let that associate know. And he said he wanted me to help do her work.
So instead of cleaning up he wanted me to go through her work. And I was cleaning up instead. I had two pallets of cardboard, throwaways and carts to put away. He stopped me along the way and said HEY. You aren't doing what I told you to? Which was to help this other associate and vizpick what she neglected to do. This made my face hot and blood boil. I told him I still got other stuff to clean if you want me to leave it or have this other associate do her job instead? I feel like I'm being taken advantage and perhaps passively being punished for some reason. Or they can be racist.
I really want to take this to another higher up at least to lift this toxic burden and anxiety off my chest. There are other stories but I wrote enough if you read this far.
Any help? May I compain and is there retaliation or can get fired for speaking out for this manager?