Why European Crowds Are Better Than American Crowds (It's not because WWE is rare)

I've seen a few posts (and it happened before when WWE was in Lyon) where some Americans say the reason why European crowds are better is due to novelty, because WWE shows are rare.

However, European fans are even more rowdy than the European WWE crowds throughout the whole season of Football (Soccer), Rugby and Basketball.

Any American fans of European Football (I know there's a few of you) will attest to what fans are like in stadiums for standard league games, throughout the whole season.

The constant high energy and chanting is simply a part of stadium culture in European. For whatever reason Americans are more reserved in stadiums.

Someone last year said they believe it's because in European sports attendance has always been a part of working class culture, whereas in American sports attendance in stadiums was/is a part of middle class culture. The middle class in America are more reserved than that the working class, and they shaped the culture of American Stadium culture. A group of NBA fans who acted like Europeans would probably be looked at as lunatics in the US and thrown out of the stadium.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about;

American basketball players talk about how different European fans are. Same sport, all season, different energy...


Americans attending a European basketball game in shock...


US Vs European Crowds footage...



Edit: Latino crowds are the same, if you watch MMA or football (soccer) they are just as nuts as European crowds. Like the Bad Bunny entrance in WWE.

Edit 2: u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Made gave some good evidence to back up my point that novelty is not the cause... WWE shows in the middle east are nothing like European crowds.

"I think this holds up really well too if you consider the events in Dubai. The crowd was half asleep compared to events in other cities (even weeklies - Barcelona was going off).

Dubai doesn’t have that same football-trained audience that go hard every week because that’s half the fun."