Is anyone else tired of the “security?”

Almost every show I see at one point two or more wrestlers are going at it, than all of a sudden security comes down to… barely touch and just yell at the wrestlers to go back stage. “It’s not worth it!” “Go back!” “Don’t do this!” Until eventually the wrestler(s) just… walk through security to continue their fight. Like what? You’re security. Do your job! It kind of kills the show for me in the same way a bad character in a movie does.

I’m not sure if they’re there to build tension for the fans and let them chant “let them fight”, or show off the strength of a super strong powerhouse wrestler with the whole “oh my god they plowed through 10 security” or build tension between wrestlers but like… come on. If it’s just me over analyzing then I’ll shut up but it seems way too overdone to get security to come down only for them to be extremely ineffective. I think I’ve only seen them do their actual jobs maybe a handful of times.

Then again, I’m not AT the show so maybe there’s some fun in that aspect?