Hear me out on this….

On night one of Mania, Cody loses his strap to heel Cena. The Final Boss comes out post match and brings Logan Paul who sells his soul after offering it on RAW and the three celebrate in the ring as the new corporation.

On night two, Seth, CM Punk and Roman battle in a triple threat match with Paul Heyman, conflicted on the outside watching.

The three of them destroy each other with finisher after finisher and close two count after two count. Punk and Rollins finally tire after eating GTSs and stomps and Roman hits the Superman and spear on both men and pins Seth as final payback while Punk lays in the ring.

End of match the OTC raises his ones to the sky but the Rocks music hits and he comes out with the new champ Heel Cena and Paul and they surround the ring.

Roman looks out of the ring with Heyman looking on in horror and gets ready to get attacked. Rollins staggers to his feet along with Punk and they both back up and get too close to Reigns and turn to look at him warily. The Corporation continues to circle the ring and Heyman has his hands together praying as the Wise Man.

Heyman looks to Reigns and nods slowly with a slight smirk appearing across his face. Reigns breathes deep and looks with disdain at Seth then Punk, then makes a fist and thrusts it out.

Seth looks stunned and starts shaking his head no, while the corporation looks to be climbing into the ring to take the three tired wrestlers out. OTC nods slowly staring a hole in Seth. Punk staggers closer to Reigns and looks at him like he’s lost his mind and Reigns points down to the three outside the ring.

Punk takes a deep breath and thrusts his fist against Reigns while Seth looks on stunned. Cena takes a step back off the apron while Rock looks on with a slight eyebrow raise. Rollins is shaking his head no while Rock nods to Cena and Paul yo enter the ring.

Punk screams at Rollins saying, “let’s go you son of a bitch. You want this out, then fucking defend it.”

At this point the crowd is in delirium screaming, “yes, yes, yes,” while Seth slowly approaches Roman and Punk. Punk yells at Rollins again both men with fists together as the crowd goes fucking wild. Finally as Cena is getting under the ropes with Paul and the Rock starts climbing, Seth jams his fist against Reigns and Punk and the Shields music hits.

Pandemonium breaks out in the stadium as a “Holy shit” chant erupts while heel Cena and Paul slowly back away from the ring and the Rocks eyes are bulging.

The Corporation slinks away together and the three men stand in the middle of the ring with the Shield reunited.
