My question/prayers have been answered (going to RR)
About a month ago I made a post just venting about how expensive tickets to the Royal Rumble were. I just wanted to let my frustration out a little after realizing there was no chance I'd be able to go to the show, little did I know...
A little background: My wife was born was a health condition that has stopped her being able to work since early '23. Living off one income and with lots of medical bills, I never thought I'd be able to go to another wwe show. (The last one I went to was Raw in 2015 when I was 15 and bought nose bleed seats for my dad's birthday)
Back before SummerSlam, I was telling wife everything she needed to know before we watched the ppv. She became invested after WrestleMania 40, but still not a die hard fan or anything. Right now we can only watch what they have on peacock, so I've been keeping up with social media and catching her up before every big show. Anyway, she started asking me what show I would want to go to if I could. I started talking about how WrestleMania would he amazing, but I honestly think the Royal Rumble would be more a more fun experience.
From that point, she booked a hotel behind my back, got her amazing family to help pool money together, and bought us two tickets for the Rumble as soon as the pre-sale started. She gave them to me Christmas day. Unfortunately, she had to hear me vent and rant about how expensive the tickets were for the last month. I had settled on the fact that we'd watch it together from home, but still brought up often how great it would've been if we could get tickets. She had them the whole time.
So, if anyone is wondering how they'll afford tickets to a show they've always wanted to attend, try marrying a fantastic woman who will do whatever she can to make you happy.
TL;DR: My wife is the best person in the world and got her family together to get us tickets to the Royal Rumble!