Cody slander has to stop.

We already knew Cody and Roman’s reigns were going to be compared but I feel like we’ve reigns serves its purpose.

Roman’s reign successfully established Roman as one of the GOATs as well as telling stories with multiple layers and having lasting effects that will probably stretch all the way to 2026. I can’t remember the last time WWE ever told a story remotely close to this.

Cody’s reign was to finally establish a new white meat babyface that could fill a similar role to Cena.

They both play their roles very well and their story has generated so much revenue and viewers for the product.

Now to compare Roman’s reign to Cody’s is just unfair because how many times did they mention Roman when he wasn’t there? How many times did people on raw mention Roman? How long were Roman’s segments? In kayfabe and irl he was treated like he was above everyone else. He quite literally stood next to Vince (and not his biological son) at mania 37 in a suit while everybody else was in there ring gear😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

But I think we should just enjoy the ride just like we were supposed to for Roman’s reign.

We already knew Cody and Roman’s reigns were going to be compared but I feel like we’ve reigns serves its purpose.

Roman’s reign successfully established Roman as one of the GOATs as well as telling stories with multiple layers and having lasting effects that will probably stretch all the way to 2026. I can’t remember the last time WWE ever told a story remotely close to this.

Cody’s reign was to finally establish a new white meat babyface that could fill a similar role to Cena.

They both play their roles very well and their story has generated so much revenue and viewers for the product.

Now to compare Roman’s reign to Cody’s is just unfair because how many times did they mention Roman when he wasn’t there? How many times did people on raw mention Roman? How long were Roman’s segments? In kayfabe and irl he was treated like he was above everyone else. He quite literally stood next to Vince (and not his biological son) at mania 37 in a suit while everybody else was in there ring gear😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

But I think we should just enjoy the ride just like we were supposed to for Roman’s reign.