Dropping out…?

I know it seems dramatic but I need some opinions here. I really thought tech was going to be for me and I genuinely gave it my best shot, but I’m struggling. I’m burnt out. I’m realizing tech isn’t something I enjoy and if I don’t enjoy it I’m just not in it. I can’t focus. My cumulative GPA is a 3.9/4.0 and it just sucks to know these classes are making me feel like it’s just trashing that.

I have two months and two classes (end of Feb) to finish but honestly I’m ready to just drop out and switch to a different school and change my major to what I actually want to do.

I have financial aid and a scholarship (scholarship through WGU) but also financing some parts of tuition. What does this mean for my financial aid going forward and scholarships? I assume I just have to pay everything back? What about the classes I did finish in this semester do I get credit for those and how does dropping out (if I do) affect my GPA?

I’m planning on making an appointment with my advisor but she’s out of office until the 2nd. Any suggestions, advice, and opinions are all welcome.