Can't log into Volvo ID in car
I'm having serious issues logging into my Volvo ID within the car. I can sign in on my phone but it says privacy not synced. I have tried two different accounts and in the car it instantly says 'Something went wrong'. I have completely reset the cars infotainment system, rebooted and tried accepting the Internet terms of service again. Even used a WIfi hot-spot to check for updates and tried again. It instantly fails when trying to sign in and I also cannot open the privacy settings in the car as it gives the same error. It's like it won't connect with Volvo even though the car has Internet and Google is working fine. The app works well and displays some car information but not all, I also cannot control the doors, climate etc. Does anyone know what else I can do because now I'm lost and no one seems to have an answer.
Thanks I'm advance!