Be careful of your belongings in lift

Vellore |

Was in PRP waiting for lift when I felt someone slightly pull my bag. I didn't pay much attention because it was crowded and the girl looked innocent.

When I came out of the lift, I noticed my demon slayer keychain was gone. It was a gift from my girlfriend.

I went after her but she denied taking it or having even seen it. And I was getting late for my exam. And did not have enough proof to ask her to show her bag.

I'm 100% sure it was her.

RIP Tanjiro. You will be missed.

If you're reading this, you little thief, I hope each time you look at my tanjiro it reminds you of how alone you are and how miserable of a person you are to yank someone's belonging from their bag. Little bitch, you can keep it. Oh oh and I hope you stay unemployed and a burden on your parents.

I know exactly who you are. And I'll smile at you everytime I see you.

Have a good day.