My mom & grandma got some points to say about Askeladd

Grandma said that Askeladd thought of his progenitor (she doesn't use 'father' for r@pists) as a monster and hence, considered himself as a monster too who has evil blood flowing in his veins.

The moment he ordered slaughter of innocent Mercian villager families, he confirmed that he associates nothing but inherent evil with his paternal side. This is probably why he encourages his gang members to be more & more henious criminals, so that more and more filth could be smeared on the face of Danes' caricature that he has in his mind.

My mom said that his cause was hollow and hypocritical cuz he took pride in his maternal heritage of Artorius who inspired legends of kind and honest king Arthur, while he himself turned into a beast who had neither honesty nor kindness.

He wanted justice for his mom who suffered enslavement, lose of family and [email protected] enslaving other women, murdering their families and letting his men ravage them ?!??

If he wanted justice for Welsh then why didn't put efforts in building band of Welsh people and helped them to rebuild the empire that inspired Arthurian legends?!??

He deserved a far more brutal end than what he got