Having a Joker face: High Cheekbones + Chubby Cheeks
I haven't seen enough reference to this facial characteristic, which is unfortunate because:
- Many folks misunderstand their face shape because of this 'overpowering' combination of features in the midface, and
- There isn't any comprehensive collection of soft-maxxing/facial posing techniques for this, so I'm hoping to get more contribution in the comments.
To the first point, you can recognize you have 'high cheekbones + chubby, round cheeks' if you notice your cheeks become very pudgy whenever you break into a grin or a smile (whereas this isn't as pronounced when your mouths is relaxed). Celebrities with this naturally are Chrissy Teigen, Emily Browning, Taemin, Youtuber Robin Laird. You'll curiously notice in many professional photos these specific celebs opt to not smile. This is because smiling results in a Joker-like (or saw puppet-like) appearance (the cheeks look extremely bulbous).
I would love to source more celebrities with this characteristic from the community. But more importantly, what face posing, expression, or angling techniques do you think would work for this condition? Unfortunately, never smiling or grinning is both not fun and also makes you look highly insecure. However, from personal experience, trying a 'smaller' smile or lifting the corners of the mouth less looks very plastic and weird in practice (it's better to choose to not smile, smile genuinely, rather than have a creepy or 'making a face' kinda smile).
Additionally, what treatments will help this condition? Youtuber Robin Laird (in this clip) explains how using microcurrent devices around her already big cheeks simply gives a more 'plumping effect' that leaves her facial proportions worse off. So my takeway: avoid microcurrent around your midface to avoid worsening your bulbous cheeks condition.
However, there might be methods to temporarily have your bulbous cheeks look slimmer. Would appreciate any critical discussions around these methods (perhaps treatments, massaging, or drainage techniques).